Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Elevated Ldh, Ast, Bilirubin

I will not ask you to choose between sex and D & D

I used to think I had to have a certain profile to one he liked role-playing games, it's not elitist but thought so. That was until I met Zak's blog, is that this man who lives in Hollywood plays nothing more and nothing less than strippers and porn stars, the blog is good because it has interesting articles but what gives it its overwhelming popularity (has over 700 followers) is that every so often gives us little rise in tone photos of his players as well as videos of its role (no nudity do not play) which contrary to what one might think they are rather boring.

Once more it has been shown that there is room for all kinds of strange people in this hobby. If they want facts give an eye click here, although I must warn you that the page is in English (as if that were to be imported)

Ok you have 50 hit points at level one but the porn stars come to us

Happy shots


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