Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Straighten Hair Without Spoiling It

workplan aaacción

withdrawal Ok ... my facebook me back a lot of things missed (time to read, a private life, etc ...) but is something that took place that gave me to to comment on movies that no one ever read. This blog will take then, from now on (that is, until I get bored using it) that space. Figuratively and literally, then, what makes this new gimmick is basically taking up space, but I promise to try to occupy the more worthy than me out.

Anyone who has paid attention to both the address and the title of the blog will have noticed the clear film references that contain (I hope no one has problems in recognizing them) making it clear that this is a film and basically blog there I shall write FILM (again, old, independent, Hollywood, European, that I like, I do not like, classic, unknown, whatever comes ...) but do not rule out occasionally use it to discuss something else, books, music, tv, comics ... I hope to entertain those who read it. As I write to amuse myself and basically I have no assurances that any other player appears in that sense I think I have covered the target, but perhaps people will fall to the dance: thanks for reading ... they are a wonderful audience ..



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