Friday, March 5, 2010

Descriptive Labelled Diagram Of A Shark

Prayer to learn to love

Lord, when hungry,
me someone who needs food,
When you are thirsty, give me someone that needs
When you feel cold, give me someone who needs
When suffering,
me someone who needs comfort;
When my cross seem heavy, let me share the cross
When I see poor, put my hand
someone in need.
When you have no time
me someone that needs my minutes;
When suffering humiliation, dame
occasion to praise someone;
When discouraged,
me someone to give new strength. Whenever
others understand me, give me someone who needs
my comprehension;
When you feel the need to take care of me,
give me someone I can meet;
When thinking about myself, my attention turns
else .
Make us worthy, Lord,
to serve our brothers
Dales, through our hands,
not only the daily bread,
also our merciful love
image yours.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta


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