Friday, March 5, 2010

Can Dogs Have Tourette

Christmas Homily XLVIII anniversary of the Pacific University

Dear sisters and brothers
Today we celebrate another anniversary of our university, we do this with joy and enthusiasm. The birthday again, as happens to us in the personal history of each, is a time to reflect on what we've done and where we want to guess by walking. This time we
meets expectations point to the conclusion of the Golden Jubilee meeting in Pachacamac teachers we asked the question: where do we want to be in 2012?. Will be fifty years since the founding of the University of the Pacific. Many years have passed and many people, colleagues and friends, who, with their own gifts and skills have contributed their best to this institution. Continue working as a community college for the celebration of this significant date.
Today, the readings tell us about the service and values \u200b\u200bor philosophy that should guide the followers of Jesus. Let's see what the texts tell us about it and try to apply it to our lives. The first reading
highlights what it means to share one Spirit, share something in common, which institution does not dream to have people who share these values, living in a same terms if this is not true, everyone will start to go by his side and the common plan, surely disappear. In our case, over 2009, students, administrators and teachers have attempted to initiate a strategic planning, from here we dared to ask what we thought was key to our progress as an institution, and we said that we train the best for the world, we also affirm that the University of Pacific should be a leader for the development and students told us they wanted to be and do more.
This is very valuable, because we know that is the university community which should get moving. As stated by P. Adolfo Nicolás. Superior of the Jesuits: "As much as we have received the special influence of either teacher or teacher in our college years we all know that true education is the result of coordinated and complementary to all. A more universal, and that concerns the University, requires greater collaboration and offers greater wealth of personal and social training. " Therefore, maintaining a common spirit will bear fruit to the extent that we join in common goals.
One of our teachers at the meeting of Pachacamac last year said: "We have to vibrate with what we now understand that we are the witness" (Do not forget that testimony is equal to martyrdom, "bearing witness with our lives") . It is true, and we all are, that no one is immune to this truth. Say "humbly" from this value that we are taught in today's Gospel: "We want to train despite our limitations."
At first reading, St. Paul begins by urging the leaders of the community of Philippi, which was beginning to feel the temptation to control. In doing so proposes the example of Christ. For Paul, it is clear that the believer is to assume that Jesus is Lord. Therefore, church leaders, who participate in this manor, can not fail to follow the example of Jesus Christ. The text of Philippians gives us light to "live by the same Spirit." A feature of the Spirit and where he works is that it allows creativity and novelty are present. On the other hand, the action of this spirit is that everyone gets to share the same feeling, the Spirit gives unity to the group structure, shapes the institution. The secret to keep this spirit is the one with the reading: humility is the way, those who trust in the Spirit does not need the show to say "here I am", the stroke that leaves emerge from the depths of him, the Spirit of God in their lives. Let the Spirit living in us. Following this Lenten season could repeat with humility the Psalm: "Mercy, Lord for your kindness, your great compassion delete my account "(Psalm 50, 1).
But how I may achieve? The apostle tells us how, having among you the sentiments of Christ Jesus. Who, being in the form of God, became one of us and died on the cross. This same Lord, but not for his glory, but to greater love and glory of the Father.
from our university could read it said Christian values \u200b\u200bshould operate from within by contagion. Love of neighbor can not only be the subject of a discourse has to become an authentic witness.
The Gospel today tells us that the basic principle of the Kingdom is to serve others. The cravings, therefore, must be determined by the responsibility, the ability to sacrifice and service to others, by the desire to "suffer the same fate" the Master. The disciple must walk the way of the Master, who did not come to be served but to serve and give His life a ransom for many.
The Gospel speaks of the mother and the sons of Zebedee, who were followers of Jesus, and at one point the mother decided to propose to place them in a good place, lest they have wasted their time following that "this Jesus" is so the mother asked the teacher that your children are, one right and one to the left of Jesus in his Kingdom. To this proposal of the "good mother", Jesus responds by saying that it does not depend on it, and recommends to know that the logic of the Kingdom "that would be great, it should be the other server." The Evangelist Matthew directs this speech to the influential members of his church, those who assert their dignity more than their identification with Christ, the server.
This service saves a different logic to which we are accustomed. We are accustomed to assume that those whom we serve is more important, however, in reading we are told that anyone who serves more that is more available is one that is closer to the values \u200b\u200bof the Kingdom.
The natural question that we how I can do is to enter service this dynamic, this will be achieved by acting like Jesus, for it is said: "As the Son of man came not to be served but to serve. If you want to generate an excellent service which will not lose its flavor Christian, his evangelical base. From here we set out the question. What kind of professional is it useful? What is the type of professional who wants to form the University? Without any doubt, that promotes and creates its service capacity. A professional who not only adapts to the world as it is, but "sucks" (a word that refers to the spirit) to transform it, making it more human and therefore, more of God.
be in a spirit of faith we can transform the world in search of solidarity and reconciliation.
Friday February 26, 2010


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