Monday, February 7, 2011

Do I Soak My Chia Pet For 1 Hour Or 24 Hours?

the social network (social network)

"facebook film," or even "facebook." Thus we commonly refer to "The Social Network " when we bring it to a conversation, and it's true: in some ways is a movie about facebook, but say only that it would greatly reduce the scope and amount depth of the issues it raises. In fact, although we are presented in the media that advertise themselves as "the history of facebook, its historical rigor is not so, and even more, is not meant to be. Even when we close with people (almost all) real and concrete events which were the years that gave birth to the popular social network, screenwriter Aaron Sorkin acknowledges that the facts were made available to tell the story (with case) and generate the necessary debate on the topic at hand and not vice versa. Perhaps the most striking example of this is the brilliant opening scene, a conversation that never was with a woman who does not exist in real life is that, with subtlety, out in the first five minutes of its key issues and probably the whole movie also the experience of facebook. The dialogues (exalted) Sorkin succeed at a frenetic pace, the sound, serious, irrelevant, what is true, what does not, the abrupt change of subject ... we are faced with all that information that is expanding every second with little chance to process all (personally, I had to do three times the scene), playing in another medium almost exactly, the Internet experience, or more specifically the network.

David Fincher (Seven , Zodiac ) uses carefully loaded Sorkin script to make a deep reflection on our inability to communicate in a century which, ironically, seem to provide all the tools you need to do so. The character of Mark Zuckerberg, operator of facebook (Jesse Eisenberg in a great performance) is the one who carries the flag of the digital lifestyle, which replaces the imaginary (or not), the real interaction with people. Fincher put into this character to a whole society that has been assumed that, as noted on the final film Napster creator Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake), it is possible to "live" on the Internet, life is indeed digitizable.

The philosophical, sociological, psychological, etc. would mean a movie like this far exceeds the scope of this review, it could even be the subject of study completed university courses and it would be pretentious to reduce it to four paragraphs, but it is relevant, this being a film review, emphasize the proper use and continues to make environmental Fincher to convey the idea, raising the conflict. And there's no doubt, the claim of the principal is strong, even when careful not to fall into the obvious and very direct exposure verbalized the problem (which would be very easy indeed), Fincher starkly exposes the consequences of embracing without much feed through a new way to interact, in which everything, including human beings, is available to me in its entirety to see, absorb, and So, sadly, lack of it in its reality and humanity and you start losing a bit of humanity itself (away from Zuckerberg made himself the most humane thing around him, his love, his friend ...)

forcefulness than the first, the final scene is perhaps a gift from Fincher to us that or not depends on the optimism with which the read: perhaps all is lost, or perhaps to understand that not everything is replaceable not everything can be transformed into ones and zeros, there is hope.

end would be an insult not to mention at least the great performance Andrew Garfield in the role of Eduardo Saverin, friend and partner for Zuckerberg, the hypnotic soundtrack of Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails frontman) and the masterful work of cinematographer Jeff Cronenweth, longtime collaborator of Fincher, who makes a movie apparently so far from the usual places of the principal, must be seen as a film by David Fincher.


Thanks for reading, are a wonderful audience


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